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                                 CRT Unit
                           Screen Mode Constants

     The following constants are available as arguments for TextMode

              BW40  = 0;     { 40x25 Black/White on a color adapter  }
              CO40  = 1;     { 40x25 Color       on a color adapter  }
              BW80  = 2;     { 80x25 Black/White on a color adapter  }
              C080  = 3;     { 80x25 Color       on a color adapter  }
              Mono  = 7;     { 80x25 Black/White on a mono adapter   }
              Font8x8 = 256; { For EGA and VGA, 43 and 50 line modes }
              C40   = CO40;  { For Turbo v3.x compatibility }
              C80   = CO80;  { For Turbo v3.x compatibility }

See Also: TextMode
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson